Monday, March 10, 2008

One Paragraph Review: Cashback

I hadn't ever heard of this movie until I sat down and watched it over the weekend, and was surprised to find myself very engaged (positively and negatively) by the film. Cashback is an intensely artistic movie - from subject matter to characters to the very way in which it's shot. The esoteric nature of this movie may turn some people off - it's quite easy to look down your nose and scoff at some of Cashback's more romantic or stylized scenes. I actually felt like Cashback needed to be just a little more outlandish and more intense - it already will require some thought from 80% of it's audience, why not go that extra ambiguous, tenacious step and take the Mullholland Drive approach where *everybody* seeing the film needs to ponder it for a while? Aside from some washed out, watered down plot elements, this film has a very interesting, worthwhile core. Oh, and there is a fair amount of (very tasteful) female nudity here - the prudish need not apply.