Sunday, April 25, 2010

One Paragraph Review: The Prestige

I've only just seen this film - nearly 4 years after it's release - and have been left wondering why the hell I waited so long. This movie has all the great elements of a top notch Christopher Nolan film: fantastic actors, clever and engaging plot, great story telling and absolutely killer narrative. The narrative structure of the film deserves special attention, tackling an approach that only a great director and screenwriter could make happen. I was even pleasantly surprised that the film asked some deep, thematic questions that had me thinking after the film was over. All around excellent, I can't imagine anybody I wouldn't recommend this to.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

One Paragraph Review: Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

This is the worst movie I've seen in a long time. Its so stupid that all you can do is wonder why people bother to make movies if they're going to put such little effort into it. Everybody outside of the effects team that was involved in this movie really just shat the bed, with special finger pointing going to Jessica Alba, who painfully reminds us all of how totally devoid of acting skills or ability she truly is. Everything is so childish and banal that it's impossible to care about anything happening, so honestly, don't see this; go light your feet on fire or something instead.