Wednesday, November 28, 2007

One Paragraph Review: We Are Marshall

Maybe I just had really low expectations, but I actually enjoyed this movie. It was pretty much on par with other inspiring-heart warming-young-team-sport type movies (i.e. Remember the Titans, Coach Carter, etc.), but this was a beautiful movie. And I mean beautiful in the sense that the cinematography was awesome. There were some quality football action sequences, camera shots, and scene transitions. When I saw Matthew Fox was in the cast, my first thought was "oh they cast him because he can cry on cue." I mean, have you ever watched Lost? You could get drunk playing a drinking game where you took a shot every time he cries. And boy was my first thought right! But overall, I thought the movie was a respectful tribute to Marshall and to the town of Huntington, with only being a dab cheesy at times.

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