Sunday, September 27, 2009

One Paragraph Review: The Sum of All Fears

I realize this isn't a new movie, but spending the last two hours of my day watching this film has left me desperate for methods of excising this rage and anger from my body. So here goes. Is this one of my least favorite movies ever? It might be. I hate every aspect of this script. I hate Bridget Moynahan and her superfluous character, I hate how the plot makes unreasonable jumps and bounds, I hate how Ben Affleck's Jack Ryan spends time driving through a burning city or beating up random people for no reason, I hate how this movie was ~50% of the volume of the commercials that dotted it, I hate how Morgan Freeman dies, I hate how only SOME of the Russian was subtitled, I hate how theres a Canadian Football League game going on in Baltimore, I hate how Jack Ryan talks to his co-worker's cell phone via a crashed helicopter's radio headset while the presidents of the United States and Russia have to communicate by short text messages via some kind of 1980s DOS terminal, I hate that James Cromwell doesn't get to say or do anything interesting, I hate that the President's cabinet is your typical room of old crusty white guys who make bad decisions, and MOST OF ALL, I hate that this film is a reboot of the wonderful Harrison Ford series. Fuck, all I want to do right now is go watch the excellent Clear and Present Danger. Fuck this film and the shithouse of compromises and mediocrity that spawned it.

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