Monday, December 15, 2008

One Paragraph Review: Aeon Flux

After watching Aeon Flux, two very different points were unmistakably clear to me: First, that Charlize Theron is impossibly hot when she wants to be, and second, that somewhere in the core material that the film "Aeon Flux" is based on lies a neat, potential-filled sci-fi story. The resulting movie-going experience tore me in two distinct directions: go watch more Charlize Theron movies or go research the original "Aeon Flux" material. The film sort of kept me in a trance with confusing entertainment, but was generally a bit of a let down because it's nothing you haven't already seen (girl-dons-spandex-stands-infront-of-camera-and-does-gymnastic-karate, rinse & repeat). However, I couldn't escape the movie without being intrigued. At the core of the plot are some really neat ideas and flashes of sci-fi uniqueness that piqued my interest enough to do some Wikipedia exploring on the original Aeon Flux material. Sadly, very little of the mystique which apparently made Aeon Flux unique is present in this film. Still, Charlize Theron makes the movie worth if if you're into that whole "jaw-dropping physical beauty" sort of thing.

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