Saturday, June 27, 2009

One Paragraph Review: Walking Tall

If you ever wanted proof that Hollywood produces movies that reinforce what *not* to do as an honest, responsible citizen, look no further than Walking Tall. Here is a film who's protagonist answers every situation with violence, even when his friends and family suggest lawful alternative after lawful alternative. "Try to reason with them!" "No!" says Chris! "Tell the cops!" "No!" says Chris, "the answer will be me and my two-by-four!" Thus, we are provided the following of life's lessons: if you have problems or disagreements, violently assaulting people who are tangentially related to the person you don't like is not only the correct, justified answer, but when the cops arrest you for assault, battery and attempted murder, all you have to do is fire your provided legal council, make an impassioned speech, ignore the judge when he tells the jury to disregard your sanctimonious, self-righteous but irrelevant soliloquy justifying your beating up of random people, and the jury will acquit you! That you put ten guys in the hospital because you were angry is totally awesome because when you're right, the law doesn't matter! Finally, you get to bang the town's super hot girl, who spends most of the movie in just her bright red bra, just because! Woo!

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